Thursday, October 11, 2007

all eyez on the ball

Basketball is my favorite sport. I began to play basketball since the age of seven. Since then, my dream was to become a basketball player. Like millions of other kids during that time, my favorite basketball player was Michael Jordan. He was also my role model. I would try to imitate Jordan in every aspect of my life, especially on the court when I was playing. Like Jordan I always wanted to be the star on the team. In essence, wanted to be the go to guy , the man that would take the last shot. I wanted to be idolized the same way as Michael Jordan. Thus, when I use to play basketball at my neighborhood park I would always be nominated caption and instead of choosing the good players, I would always choose the lesser talented kids, in order to become the star on the team. I know that is a little selfish and kind of weird, but I wanted to be the hot shot, I wanted to be the man to hit the game winning shot.
When I started to attend High school I actually went out for my High Schools basketball team. That is the first time I noticed how competitive the sport of basketball really is. There were several people talented as me if not better then me. I barley made the frosh/Soph team my first year in High School. However, as i had viewed the talent I stepped my game up and practiced religious only my jump shot and defense. Thus, the next year around as a sophomore in the tenth grade, I was selected to be on out the varsity basketball team. From there on my career in high school blasted off. That year my high school team made it to the second round of the CCS finals and the following year we actually won our division. My senior year was going great as I was being recruited by some small named college from Southern California. However, a severe ankle injury made me sit out for about 4 weeks which ended my basketball career. So my dream of becoming like mike ended as my high school days ended.

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