Thursday, September 27, 2007

All Eyez on the Test

For the past three months, all I have been able to do with my free time is study for the LSAT. The Law School Admissions Test, is a test that is required for any future student who would like to attend law school. In preparation for this test, I have not missed any of my regular classes at San Jose State. That is not because I can handle both studying for the LSAT and go to school at the same time. Instead, what i have been doing for the past two weeks is that, i have been studying for the LSAT while in class. Yes, I have been caught studying for the LSAT in Professor Wood's class and actually in all my other classes. It is not that i find my education at San Jose State so useless that I don't need to pay attention while my professors are lectuuring. Rather, I would have to admit that the LSAT has overwhelmed me with stress. My fear of the LSAT has become so severe that i dream about the question types that are given on the LSAT. See the LSAT consists of four sections: logical games, reading comprehension, formal logic, and a written essay portion. You have 35 minutes for each section and there is a total of five sections. At first it might seem easy, but if you are a person like me with average intelligence, the LSAT can be a very difficult test to take.
Nonetheless, i am taking this test on Saturday and hopefully all my hard work will payoff.
P.S. I was studying all day for the LSAT so i had nothing else to talk about.

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